Early Career Member Resources

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Early Career Committee

Clinical & Research Fellowship Database

NHMRC Funding Calendar 

Endocrinology Evolve recommendations

RACP Training resources

ESA Awards and Fellowships


Early Career Committee

The Early Career Committee aims to help advance the clinical and research endeavours of early career members of ESA, by creating professional development activities, expanding research opportunities, fostering participation of early career members within ESA, and facilitating interaction between junior and senior members. 


For more information, please contact the Committee Co-chairs (Lachlan Angus and Amy Dwyer) through the ESA secretariat: ijohnson@endocrinesociety.org.au  


Lachlan Angus (Co-chair)
Amy Dwyer (Co-chair)
Elizabeth Wootton (Secretary)
Angela Sheu (Events)
James McNeil (Events)
Edward Mignone (Clinical affairs)
Lauren Tyack (Clinical affairs)
Jillian Tay (Advocacy and engagement)
Mawson Wang (Advocacy and engagement)

Clinical & Research Fellowship Database

The ESA ANZBMS Clinical & Research Fellowship Database is an initiative of the ESA Early Career Committee, with collaboration from the Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS). We aim to provide a list of clinical and research positions available in Australia to a wide audience.

If you would like to contribute to the Database, you can complete the required information here (https://forms.gle/s5PJRr9DgJ7GJ9Z9).

The latest Database is available here


NHMRC Funding 

Presentation: Changes to the NHMRC funding system: Implications for ECRs

By Associate Professor Zane Andrews. Presented at the ESA Annual Scientific Meeting, Career Development Workshop, 2018

This presentation provides an overview of the most recent changes to the the NHMRC funding scheme.

Download here


Funding schemes calendar


Endocrinology Evolve Recommendations

Better care. Better decision-making. Better use of resources. 

Evolve aims to reduce low-value care by supporting physicians to be leaders in changing clinical behaviour for better patient care, make better decisions, and make better use of resources.

The RACP is encouraging physicians to implement ​the Evolve Top 5 Recommendations in their work and health services. This includes Fellows and Trainees. The RACP also encourages Advanced Trainees to undertake research on these recommendations.

The Top 5 recommendations were developed following broad consultation with the ESA membership and reviewing existing evidence. The development was fellow-led, collaborative and evidence- and consensus-based. 

Download the ESA Top 5 Evolve list here

The RACP Evolve website has an array of implementation resources and recent publications available.


RACP Training Resources

Royal Australasian College of Physicians Training website

RACP-Endocrinology Advanced Training Curriculum

RACP-Advanced Training in Endocrinology Program Requirements Handbook


ESA Awards and Fellowships

ESA offers a number of awards and fellowships to support research higher degree (PhD and Masters) students and clinical trainees. Follow the links to find out more information, including application criteria and closing dates.   

These include: